


Google Scholar (Yuhei Miyauchi)


  • Akira Takakura, Taishi Nishihara, Koji Harano, Ovidiu Cretu, Takeshi Tanaka, Hiromichi Kataura, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Coalescence of carbon nanotubes while preserving the chiral angles”, Nature Communications 16, 1093(1-9) (2025). [published 05 February 2025] DOI: 10.1038/s41467-025-56389-6


  • Hengkai Wu, Taishi Nishihara, Akira Takakura, Kazunari Matsuda, Takeshi Tanaka, Hiromichi Kataura, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Birefringent optical responses of single-chirality carbon nanotube membranes”, Carbon 218, 118720(1-7) (2024). [published 12 December 2023] DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2023.118720


  • Masafumi Shimasaki, Takahiko Endo, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Kazunari Matsuda, Taishi Nishihara, Yasumitsu Miyata, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Exciton energy transfer under low temperature in a lateral heteromonolayer of WSe2–MoSe2”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62, 112002(1-6) (2023). [published 8 November 2023] DOI: 10.35848/1347-4065/ad03ce
  • Taishi Nishihara, Zhirui Liu, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Pure carbon nanotube membrane without Mid- and far-infrared optical absorption –Toward spectral control of thermal radiation using carbon nanotubes”, Journal of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan, 62, 36-42 (2023). [published July 2023]
  • Masafumi Shimasaki, Taishi Nishihara, Naoki Wada, Zheng Liu, Kazunari Matsuda, Yasumitsu Miyata, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Anisotropic exciton drift-diffusion in a monolayer WS2xSe(2–2x) alloy with a gradually changing composition”, Applied Physics Express 16, 012010(1-5) (2023). [published 9 January 2023] DOI:10.35848/1882-0786/acae1a


  • Kenya Tanaka, Taishi Nishihara, Akira Takakura, Yasutomo Segawa, Kazunari Matsuda, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Polarized Raman spectroscopy on topological semimetal Co3Sn2S2”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 54, 93-100 (2022). [published 7 October 2022] DOI:10.1002/jrs.6459
  • Taishi Nishihara, Akira Takakura, Keisuke Matsui, Kenichiro Itami, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Statistical verification of anomaly in chiral angle distribution of air-suspended carbon nanotubes”, Nano Letters 22, 5818-5824 (2022). [published 8 July 2022] DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01473
  • Masafumi Shimasaki, Taishi Nishihara, Kazunari Matsuda, Takahiko Endo, Yuhei Takaguchi, Zheng Liu, Yasumitsu Miyata, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Directional Exciton-Energy Transport in a Lateral Heteromonolayer of WSe2–MoSe2”, ACS Nano 16, 8205-8212 (2022). [published 28 April 2022] DOI:10.1021/acsnano.2c01890
  • Taishi Nishihara, Akira Takakura, Masafumi Shimasaki, Kazunari Matsuda, Takeshi Tanaka, Hiromichi Kataura and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Empirical formulation of broadband complex refractive index spectra of single-chirality carbon nanotube assembly”, Nanophotonics 11, 1011-1020 (2022). [published 12 January 2022] DOI:10.1515/nanoph-2021-0728
  • Naoki Wada, Jiang Pu, Yuhei Takaguchi, Wenjin Zhang, Zheng Liu, Takahiko Endo, Toshifumi Irisawa, Kazunari Matsuda, Yuhei Miyauchi, Taishi Takenobu, Yasumitsu Miyata, “Efficient and Chiral Electroluminescence from In-Plane Heterostructure of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2203602(1-9), (2022) DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202203602


  • Satoru Konabe, Taishi Nishihara, and Yuhei Miyauchi, “Theory of exciton thermal radiation in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes”, Opt. Lett. 46, 3021-3024 (2021). [published 17 June 2021] DOI:10.1364/ol.430011
  • Jiang Pu,Wenjin Zhang, Hirofumi Matsuoka, Yu Kobayashi, Yuhei Takaguchi, Yasumitsu Miyata, Kazunari Matsuda, Yuhei Miyauchi, and Taishi Takenobu “Room-temperature chiral light-emitting diode aased on strained monolayer semiconductors”, Adv. Mater. 33, 2100601(1-9) (2021). [published 24 July 2021] DOI:10.1002/adma.202100601
  • Keisuke Shinokita, Yuhei Miyauchi, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, and Kazunari Matsuda “Resonant coupling of a moiré exciton to a phonon in a WSe2/MoSe2 Heterobilayer”, Nano. Lett. 21, 5938-5944 (2021). [published 16 July 2021] DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c00733

Selected Papers (before 2020)

  • A. Takakura, K. Beppu, T. Nishihara, A. Fukui, T. Kozeki, T. Namazu, Y. Miyauchi, and K. Itami, “Strength of carbon nanotubes depends on their chemical structures”, Nat. Commun. 10, 3040-1-3040-7 (2019).
  • K. Tanaka, K. Hachiya, W. Zhang, K. Matsuda, and Y. Miyauchi, “Machine-learning analysis to predict the exciton valley polarization landscape of 2D semiconductors.” ACS Nano 13, 12687-12693 (2019).
  • T. Nishihara, A. Takakura, Y. Miyauchi, and K. Itami, “Ultra-narrow-band near-infrared thermal exciton radiation in intrinsic one-dimensional semiconductors”, Nat. Commun. 9, 3144-1-3144-7 (2018).
  • Y. Miyauchi, S. Konabe, F. Wang, W. Zhang, A. Hwang, Y. Hasegawa, L. Zhou, S. Mouri, M. Toh, G. Eda, and K. Matsuda, “Evidence for line width and carrier screening effects on excitonic valley relaxation in 2D semiconductors”, Nat. Commun. 9, 2598-1-2598-10 (2018).
  • N. Akizuki, S. Aota, S. Mouri, K. Matsuda, and Y. Miyauchi, “Efficient near-infrared up-conversion photoluminescence in carbon nanotubes”, Nat. Commun. 6, 8920-1-8920-6 (2015).
  • Y. Miyauchi, Z. Zhang, M. Takekoshi, Y. Tomio, H. Suzuura, V. Perebeinos, V. V. Deshpande, C. Lu, S. Berciaud, P. Kim, J. Hone, and T. F. Heinz, “Tunable electronic correlation effects in nanotube-light interactions”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 205407 (2015).
  • Y. Miyauchi, M. Iwamura, S. Mouri, Kawazoe, T., Ohtsu, M. and K. Matsuda, “Brightening of Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes on Dimensionality Modification”, Nat. Photonics 7, 715-719 (2013).
  • S. Mouri, Y. Miyauchi, and K. Matsuda, “Tunable Photoluminescence of Monolayer MoS2 via Chemical Doping,” Nano Lett. 13, 5944-5948 (2013)
  • Y. Miyauchi, Ajiki, H., and S. Maruyama,“Electron-Hole Asymmetry in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Probed by Direct Observation of Transverse Quasidark Excitons”, Phys. Rev. B 81, 121415 (R)-1-121415 (R)-4 (2010)
  • Y. Miyauchi, H. Hirori, K. Matsuda, and Y. Kanemitsu, “Radiative Lifetimes and Coherence Length of One-Dimensional Excitons in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B 80, 081410(R)-1-081410(R)-4 (2009).
  • Y. Miyauchi, R. Saito, K. Sato, Y. Ohno, S. Iwasaki, T. Mizutani, J. Jiang, and S. Maruyama, “Dependence of Exciton Transition Energy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Surrounding Dielectric Materials”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 442, 394-399 (2007)
  • Y. Miyauchi, M. Oba and S. Maruyama, “Cross-Polarized Optical Absorption of Single-Walled Nanotubes Probed by Polarized Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 205440-1-205440-6 (2006).
  • Y. Miyauchi and S. Maruyama, “Identification of an Excitonic Phonon Sideband by Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Single-Walled Carbon-13 Nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 035415-1-035415-7 (2006)
  • Y. Miyauchi, S. Chiashi, Y. Murakami, Hayashida Y., and S. Maruyama, “Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized from Alcohol”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 387, 198-203 (2004)
  • S. Maruyama, R. Kojima, Y. Miyauchi, S. Chiashi, and M. Kohno, “Low-TemperatureSynthesis of High-Purity Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Alcohol”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 360, 229-234 (2002)